March 3, 2025
Flea & Tick Season

Keeping our Pets Pest Free!
Flea & Tick Season

As the snow melts and the grass returns, so do fleas and ticks! Fleas can be around year-round, but ticks become more active when temperatures hit 4°C. Ticks love tall grass and wooded areas, while fleas hide in shady spots, under decks, and even inside homes.

Why Worry?

Fleas and ticks aren’t just annoying—they can carry diseases. Fleas can cause tapeworms and itchy skin conditions, while ticks can spread Lyme disease and other serious illnesses that can even affect humans.

How to Protect Your Pet

These chemical-free devices emit pulses that keep fleas and ticks away for at least 6 months. Perfect for all pets!

Don’t Forget Your Home & Yard!

Fleas and ticks don’t just stay on pets—they can infest your home and yard, too! Flea eggs, larvae, and pupae make up 95% of a flea infestation, hiding in carpets, furniture, and pet bedding. Regular vacuuming, washing pet bedding in hot water, and using sprays or diatomaceous earth can help eliminate these pests.

Outdoors, fleas and ticks thrive in overgrown grass, leaf piles, and shaded areas. Keep grass trimmed, remove yard debris, and apply pet-safe treatments to prevent infestations. If you have a severe problem, consider treating your yard with a flea and tick spray designed for outdoor use.

Tick Trouble? Here’s How to Remove One:

The longer a tick is attached, the more likely it will transmit bacteria which may lead to infections and/or diseases. To contract Lyme disease, the tick must be attached for 1-2 days. You want to avoid tearing or squishing the tick as you may be spreading more bacteria into the bite area.

You want to spread the fur, grasp the tick as close to the skin as possible and gently pull straight upward in a slow motion. This prevents the tick’s mouth from remaining in the skin.

It is never recommended to use your fingers to remove a tick. You don’t want to risk squeezing more bacteria into the bite site. There are many products specially made for safe tick removal, otherwise a fine tipped pair of tweezers would be best.

Helpful Resources:

Need help choosing the right protection? Ask our Healthy Pet Care Specialists in-store!

Cat HealthDogsFlea and TickGlobal Pet Foodspet healthSafety
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