Water Safety Tips for Pet Parents

Imagine a sunny day by the lake, your dog joyfully splashing in the water, looking up at you, tail wagging with excitement. Water activities can be some of the most delightful moments we share with our pets. However, without proper precautions, these joyful outings can quickly turn dangerous. As pet parents, it’s our responsibility to ensure their safety around water, whether it’s a swimming pool, a lake, or the ocean.

This article will provide essential water safety tips for pet parents, covering everything from teaching your pet to swim and understanding water conditions, to the importance of life jackets and recognizing the signs of heatstroke. By following these guidelines, you can help create a safe and enjoyable environment for your pet to enjoy the water.

Teaching the Basics

Teaching your pet to swim can be a fun and rewarding experience for both of you. Follow these steps to help ensure a positive and playful water experience:

By following these steps and progressing at your pet’s pace, you can help them become a confident and happy swimmer. Patience and positivity are the keys to success!

Know & Prepare for Your Location

Before embarking on a water adventure with your furry companion, it’s essential to take some key steps to ensure their safety and comfort.

The safety of the water you choose for your pet is paramount. Different bodies of water present varying risks ranging from algae and fishing gear, to rip currents and undertows. Start by selecting a location known for calm waters, especially if your pet is new to swimming. Look for areas with minimal algae or debris, as these can irritate your pet’s skin or be ingested accidentally. If you’re at a beach, be aware of tidal changes that can affect water depth and current strength. Always choose spots where your pet can easily enter and exit the water.

Pets are sensitive to temperature extremes, especially our younger and older ones. Water that is too cold can lead to hypothermia, especially for smaller or shorter-haired breeds. It can also lead to “cold tail” aka ‘swimmers’ tail”, a typically temporary condition where the tail can go limp. Conversely, water that is too warm can cause overheating and dehydration. A good rule of thumb is to test the water with your hand or foot. It should feel comfortably cool. If it feels uncomfortable to you, it will likely be uncomfortable for your pet as well.

Accidents can happen, even in the safest environments. Before heading out, identify the nearest emergency veterinary clinic to your location. Knowing where to go in an emergency can save valuable time and ensure prompt care for your pet.

Just like humans, pets can get sunburned, especially those with short fur or light-colored coats. Before heading out, apply a pet-safe sunscreen to areas of exposed skin, such as the nose, ears, and belly. Choose a sunscreen specifically formulated for pets to avoid ingredients that could be harmful if ingested.

Additionally, watch out for hot surfaces like sand, asphalt, or metal boat decks that can burn your pet’s paw pads. Test these surfaces with your hand – if it’s too hot for you, it’s too hot for them. Provide shade breaks, paw protection, and encourage your pet to stay hydrated to prevent overheating.

Remember, a little preparation goes a long way in keeping your pet happy and healthy during aquatic adventures!

Life Jackets: Ensuring Safety on the Water

Life jackets aren’t just for humans – they’re crucial for keeping our fur babies safe during water activities. Just like people, pets can tire or get disoriented in the water, making it difficult for them to swim to safety.

A properly fitted life jacket helps keep your pet afloat and their head above water, even if they become tired or are in rough water. It’s an important safety measure that can prevent accidents and give you peace of mind knowing your pet is protected.

When choosing a life jacket for your pet, fit is key. Look for jackets specifically designed for dogs or cats, as they’re tailored to their body shapes and movements. Measure your pet’s chest girth and neck circumference to ensure a snug but comfortable fit.

Adjustable straps and buckles are essential for achieving a secure fit that allows for natural movement without rubbing or chafing. Choose a bright colour or one with reflective strips for better visibility in the water.

Introducing your pet to a life jacket should be a gradual process. Start by letting them sniff and investigate the jacket while offering treats or praise to create positive associations. Once they’re comfortable, gently put the jacket on for short periods indoors, allowing them to move freely and rewarding them with treats for wearing it.

Gradually increase the time your pet wears the jacket and practice in calm, shallow water to let them get used to the buoyancy. Use toys or games to distract and engage them while wearing the jacket to make the experience enjoyable.

Life jackets are a lifesaving investment in your pet’s safety during aquatic adventures!

Water Consumption

When your pet is enjoying a day by the water, we want to make sure they are keeping hydrated. Here are some key tips to manage their water consumption:


Taking Breaks

Just like us, pets need regular breaks during active play to prevent exhaustion. Encourage your pet to rest by providing a comfortable spot away from the water. Taking breaks helps prevent fatigue and allows your pet to recover, ensuring they have the energy to continue having fun safely.

During breaks, make sure your pet has access to a shaded area. Whether it’s under a tree, an umbrella, or a portable pet tent, shade protects them from the sun’s intense rays. Additionally, ensure your pet stays hydrated by offering fresh water frequently.

Proper hydration helps regulate their body temperature and keeps them refreshed. Carry a portable water bowl to make it easy for them to drink. There’s also many different cooling pet apparel, perfect to help keep their core body temperature regulated.

Heatstroke is a serious risk during outdoor activities, especially in hot weather. Watch for symptoms such as excessive panting, drooling, lethargy, rapid heart rate, or vomiting. If you notice any of these signs, move your pet to a cool, shaded area immediately and offer them water. Use cool (not cold) water to wet their fur and help lower their body temperature. Contact a veterinarian right away if symptoms persist.

Let’s encourage rest, provide shade and hydration, and be vigilant about heatstroke symptoms. Taking these precautions ensures our furry friends enjoy a fun and healthy day by the water.

Washing Up

Water play can leave your pet’s coat and skin coated with chlorine, salt, or other irritants. These substances can cause dryness, itching, and irritation. After swimming, give your pet a thorough rinse with fresh water to remove any residues.

Use a gentle pet shampoo if needed but be sure to rinse all soap thoroughly to avoid further irritation. A good rinse will help keep their skin healthy and their coat shiny.

During the cleaning process, be mindful of grooming and ingestion risks. Pets often lick themselves while being dried off, which can lead to the ingestion of harmful substances they’ve picked up in the water. Thoroughly rinse their fur to remove any remaining chlorine, salt, or contaminants before drying. Brush their coat to remove any tangles or debris that might have gotten caught during their water adventures.

Enjoying water activities with your pet can be a blast, but safety is key. Start by teaching your pet to swim gradually, always using praise and rewards. Know and prepare for your location by checking water conditions, temperatures, and having emergency contacts handy. Equip your pet with a properly fitted life jacket and provide fresh drinking water to avoid toxicity. Take regular breaks in the shade and stay vigilant for signs of heatstroke. Afterward, rinse your pet thoroughly to prevent skin irritation and ingestion of harmful substances.

By prioritizing water safety, you ensure that every splash and swim is a positive experience for your pet. With these tips, you can relax and enjoy making wonderful memories together, knowing your furry friend is safe and happy. Here’s to many fun and safe water adventures with your beloved pet!

Green Tripe: Elevating Your Pet’s Daily Nutrition

Green tripe isn’t just a quick fix for your pet’s health – it’s a long-term investment in their well-being. While it provides immediate benefits like improved digestion and boosted energy levels, its impact goes far beyond that. By regularly including green tripe into your pet’s diet, you’re laying the foundation for long-term health maintenance.

Its rich nutrient profile supports overall health and vitality, helping to prevent various health issues down the line. From promoting a shiny coat to supporting a strong immune system, green tripe sets your pet up for a lifetime of thriving. So, whether you’re looking to address a specific health concern or simply want to give your pet the best chance at a happy and healthy life. Green tripe from PetKind is the ultimate solution.

A Closer Look at Green Tripe

Green tripe is sourced from the stomach lining of ruminant animals like cows, lamb, or bison. It’s a natural superfood full of protein, important amino acids, good fats, and lots of vitamins and minerals. It ensures a nutrient-rich profile that elevates your pet’s daily nutrition to new heights.

Green tripe undergoes minimal processing, crucially remaining unbleached and natural. This makes sure that the nutrients are maintained, offering pets a wholesome and unparalleled source of nourishment.

Pet parents are turning to tripe to address various dietary needs and health concerns. Whether it’s tempting picky eaters, seniors, and sick pets to eat, or boosting their daily diet, green tripe is a nutritional powerhouse. Its amino acid profile, perfect calcium-phosphorus ratio, and abundance of essential fatty acids make it an ideal supplement for aiding in overall health and well-being.

Additionally, tripe’s soothing properties can alleviate sensitive stomachs, relieve allergy symptoms, and ease diet transitions. From nourishing adult working dogs to refreshing seniors, green tripe supports pets at every stage of life. Known for promoting healthy brain and bone development, particularly beneficial for large breed puppies. With the help of its vitamins and minerals, healthy fats, and proteins, green tripe will bolster your pet’s bowl!

The Power of Amino Acids

The importance of amino acids cannot be overstated. As the building blocks of protein, they serve as the foundation for many bodily functions in your pet, from muscle growth and repair to the creation of enzymes and hormones. Green tripe’s variety of amino acids ensures that your pet receives the full spectrum of nutrients needed for optimal health, contributing to their overall strength and resilience.

From promoting muscle growth and tissue repair to supporting immune function and hormone regulation, the diverse set of amino acids in green tripe plays a crucial role in every part of your pet’s health, contributing to their liveliness and longevity.

Let’s dive into the major amino acids found in green tripe and their functions in promoting pet health.

Amino AcidFunction
Alanine-Essential for glucose metabolism and energy production
-Supports urinary health
-Improves blood quality
-Prevents kidney stones
Aspartic Acid-Plays a role in brain and nervous system function
-Supports cognitive health and mood regulation
-Boosts stamina
-Supports strong immune system
Arginine-Essential amino acid for dogs and cats
-Crucial for nitric oxide synthesis
-Promoting a healthy cardiovascular system
-Supports immune health
Glutamic Acid-Acts as a neurotransmitter
-Fuels brain function and cognitive processes
-Boosts metabolism
Glycine-Supports the synthesis of collagen for healthy skin, coat, and joints.
-Boosts stamina
-Improves blood quality
-Plays key role in maintaining DNA composition
Leucine-An essential amino acid
-Involved in protein synthesis
-Maintains strong joints
-Promotes muscle growth and recovery
Proline-Plays a role in collagen formation
-Contributes to skin elasticity
-Supports wound healing

With the above of amino acids overflowing in green tripe, your pet can get all the nutrients they need to be healthy and active.

Fatty Acids for Optimal Health

Green tripe serves as a natural source of fat, but no need to worry, the majority are good fats. It is rich in beneficial unsaturated fatty acids. Unlike saturated fats found in many processed foods, the unsaturated fats in green tripe offer numerous health benefits.

Type of Fatty AcidPropertiesHealth Implications
Saturated Fatty Acids-No double bonds
-Straight/linear structure
-Pack tightly together
-Solid at room temperature (butter, lard, etc.)
-Diets high in saturated fats are linked to high LDL (“bad”) cholesterol
-Builds up in arteries causing plaque
-Raises blood pressure and risk of heart disease
Unsaturated Fatty Acids-One or more double bonds
-Bend/Kink in structure
-Loosely packed together
-Liquid at room temperature (avocado and olive oil, etc.)
-Can help reduce LDL (‘bad”) cholesterol
-Helps maintain healthy blood pressure and blood sugar levels
-Helps to lower risk of cardiovascular diseases

Pets need fatty acids to stay healthy. Omega-3, 6, 9, and 12 fatty acids are especially important for many body functions. These unsaturated fatty acids support the brain by enhancing cognitive function and aiding in neurotransmitter signaling.

Additionally, they bolster the immune system, ensuring pets can effectively fight off infections and diseases. Also, Omega fatty acids can help keep the heart healthy by reducing inflammation and supporting its functions. They also help joints feel better by easing stiffness and making them more flexible.

Pets need Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids to stay healthy, but their bodies can’t make them on their own. They have to get these nutrients from their food. Omega-3s can help fight inflammation, lowering the chance of long-lasting diseases. They also keep the heart and joints healthy, help the brain work well, and make pets’ coats shiny and their skin healthy.

Omega-6s are important for immune system function, hormone regulation, and skin health. Balancing the intake of Omega-3s and Omega-6s is key to promoting overall health and well-being in pets. Green tripe makes it worry-free as it has the perfect Omega-3 to Omega 6 fatty acid ratio.

Vitamin and Mineral Boost

Green tripe offers a vital vitamin and mineral boost! Provides an optimal balance of calcium and phosphorus, which is essential for bone and teeth health in pets. It is hard to find this perfect balance naturally. It is required for the proper development of strong skeletal structures, particularly in large breeds.

If there’s too much or too little calcium and phosphorus, pets can end up with skeletal and bone problems and health issues.  With green tripe, the balancing act is already done, creating a superior and safe dietary supplement.

Green tripe is full of important vitamins and minerals, like essential vitamins B3 (niacin) and B12 (cobalamin). Niacin plays a crucial role in energy metabolism, nervous system function, and the maintenance of healthy skin and coat. Niacin deficiency can lead to symptoms such as poor growth, digestive issues, and dermatitis.

Cobalamin is really important for making red blood cells, helping nerves function, and making DNA. Without enough of it, pets might get anemia, have nerve problems, or feel weak.

Green tripe also has lots of minerals that pets need to stay healthy, like magnesium, zinc, selenium, and iron. Each one has its role for keeping pets well. Magnesium is vital for nerve function, muscle contraction, and bone health. Zinc supports immune function, wound healing, and carbohydrate metabolism.

Selenium aids in DNA production and metabolism. It also acts as a powerful antioxidant, aiding immune function and thyroid health. Iron is essential for oxygen transport in the blood and energy metabolism.

Not having enough of these minerals can make pets’ immune system weak, slow down healing, and make muscles weak and pets tired. Giving pets green tripe in their food can stop these problems and keep them healthy and feeling good.

Long-Term Health Maintenance

Immediate benefits of green tripe consumption for pets include improved digestion, increased energy levels, and enhanced nutrient absorption. However, the true power of green tripe lies in its long-term impact on pet health.

Regular consumption contributes to overall health maintenance by providing a steady supply of essential nutrients. Promoting healthy skin and coat, supporting strong bones and teeth, and boosting immune function. As pets keep eating healthy food like green tripe, it helps stop long-lasting health problems, makes them live longer, and makes their lives better.

Using green tripe for preventative maintenance offers a holistic approach to pet care. Supporting cardiovascular health, digestion, and immune function. Green tripe gives pets important nutrients and helps their gut flora stay healthy. This may stop them from getting sick with upset stomachs, autoimmune problems, or allergies.

Green tripe’s nutrients can help keep blood pressure and blood sugar levels normal, which reduces the risk of health problems like diabetes. Including green tripe into your pet’s diet boosts overall well-being, ensuring they lead happy, healthy lives for years to come.

Green Tripe & PetKind

PetKind, a family-owned and operated Canadian business, is dedicated to making it easy for all pet owners to give their pets tripe with a range of convenient products. There are green tripe options suitable for every pet’s diet and lifestyle. Their sourcing of premium ingredients is exclusively from Canada, USA, and New Zealand. Recipes are free of any artificial preservatives, by-products, corn, soy, grains, or wheat.

In PetKind’s Tripe Dry line, green tripe is the main ingredient in every recipe, making sure pets get all the benefits from this healthy superfood. After tripe, each recipe includes fresh meat as the next ingredient, giving pets a fantastic source of protein. It is a complete and balanced option suitable for cats and dogs of all life stages and breed. Best of all, Tripe Dry lacks the typical strong smell that comes with tripe, making it a more pleasant feeding experience for pet owners.

If you want more moisture in your pet’s food, no problem! PetKind has lots of options to help you add tripe and keep your pet hydrated.

People love the Tripett canned food line because of its simple recipe and great quality. It only has tripe as the main ingredient. Designed for supplemental feeding, Tripett offers pet owners a straightforward and nutritious option to enhance their pet’s diet.

Many Tripett recipes have one source of protein, making it easier for pet owners to handle any food allergies or sensitivities. Additionally, Tripett offers combinations of different proteins, providing pets with a variety of flavors and nutrients to make mealtime enjoyable and delicious.

The That’s It recipes by PetKind are another delightful addition to any pet’s diet. These recipes are made with limited ingredients such as the superfood green tripe! Alongside other wholesome ingredients like fresh meat and broth, green tripe adds an extra boost of essential nutrients. These simple but healthy recipes aren’t complete and balanced by themselves, but they’re made to enhance your pet’s regular meal.

PetKind has made it simpler than ever to incorporate the nutritional benefits with Tripe Treats! These treats are healthy and tasty, giving your pet a way to enjoy snacks without feeling guilty. They are crafted with a focus on wellness and desirability. 

The treats have an easy-to-break-apart design. You can use them as a reward during training or give them to your pet as a healthy treat anytime. They are suitable for all dogs, including picky eaters and those with sensitive stomachs.

PetKind offers several lines that include tripe, including dry food, wet food, and treats. These provide an easy and nutritious way to treat your pet and keep them healthy. To learn more about their company and variety of products they provide, please follow the link to their website. https://petkind.ca

Green tripe is full of important nutrients like amino acids, vitamins, minerals, and fatty acids, making it a nutritional powerhouse for pets. When you add green tripe to your pet’s food, with help from PetKind, you’re giving them the gift of good health and energy.

As pet parents, taking preventative steps to care for our pets, like feeding them green tripe, can truly impact their well-being in the long run. Let’s continue to prioritize their health and happiness by giving them the best nutrition possible.

A Guide to Sustainable Pet Parenting

Welcome to the world of sustainable pet parenting, where our furry friends and the planet team up for a brighter future! As pet lovers, we know the joy and responsibility that comes with caring for our four-legged friends. But in today’s world, being a pet parent means more than just providing food and shelter. It’s about making conscious choices that benefit not only our pets but also the environment they live in.

Let’s explore conscious buying habits in pet care, where each purchase can create a positive change. We’ll showcase brands that make excellent products while also supporting causes, cutting their carbon footprints, and leading the way in sustainability from start to finish.

So, get ready to unleash the power of sustainable pet parenting as we explore how our choices can make a difference, one paw at a time!

Paw-sitive Impact

One way we can make a difference as pet parents is by picking brands that help out with causes and communities. In the pet care world, some brands don’t just sell their product – they’re on a mission to make a positive impact on the world.

Take Almo Nature & Fondazione Capellino Foundation, for example. Set up in 2018, this nonprofit foundation uses all the money it makes to protect biodiversity and fight climate change through its Reintegration Economy model. This shows they’re committed to giving back to nature.

Similarly, Earth Rated has helped out over 11,000 organizations, including pet-related ones like SNAP Quebec. They’ve also supported big projects like global healthcare systems through partnerships with organizations like (RED).

But the paw-sitivity doesn’t stop there. Petcurean actively participates in their community by assisting with various projects. They donate time and resources to support groups that feed pets and plant trees to help bees and fight climate change.

Project Hive is all about saving bees. They’re working to create healthy places for bees to live by planting wildflowers. Their goal is to make 50 million feet of habitat by 2025.

Sweat Scoop cares about the future and not just because they have all-natural cat litter. They’re teaming up with Plastic Bank to help clean up the oceans by collecting and recycling plastic. West Paw also gives back by volunteering and donating to good causes. Both these brands show how businesses can make an impact while still making great products for our pets.

Paws on the Planet

Pet parents can make a significant impact on the planet by choosing brands with their Paws on the Planet. When we check out brands that make stuff in eco-friendly ways and have carbon-neutral factories, we can help lower our pet’s carbon paw-print. These committed companies really care about the environment. They work hard to ensure their products don’t hurt the planet during production, from getting the materials to disposal.

Companies like Beco, Earth Rated, Nature’s Hug, Made Better, Petcurean, Project Hive, The Honest Kitchen, and West Paw are leading the charge in reducing emissions and greenhouse gases. They are putting in the work to figure out and cut down on how much their products hurt the environment over their whole life.

They’re showing everyone in the pet care world how to be more eco-friendly. By choosing products from these environmentally conscious brands, pet parents can play a part in creating a greener and healthier planet for their beloved pets and future generations to enjoy.

Paw-sitive Sustainability

We have the power to make a meaningful impact by choosing brands that prioritize sustainability. These brands not only focus on environmental benefits but also uphold social and economic considerations, ensuring a holistic approach to sustainability. When you support companies that get their raw materials in a way that doesn’t hurt the planet, treat their workers fairly, and help out their communities, you’re helping make the pet care industry more fair and earth-friendly.

When you see logos like B Corp Certification and the Pet Sustainability Coalition (PSC) on product packages, it means the brands are really serious about being eco-friendly. These logos help you know which brands care about the planet. Companies like Beco, Earth Rated, Earth Animal, Made Better, Project Hive, The Honest Kitchen, and West Paw proudly show off these certifications, proving they’re committed to doing great things for the planet and following eco-conscious business practices.

Also, pet parents can look for products with packaging that can be composted or are made of recyclable material. Brands like Almo Cat Litter, Earth Rated, Made Better, and Sweat Scoop care about reducing waste and using eco-friendly materials in their packaging.

When pet parents pick brands that care about paw-sitive sustainability, they help make the pet care industry better. Together, we can make the planet healthier for pets and people, making the future brighter for everyone.

Paw-Some Eating

Pet parents can make a positive impact on their pets’ health and the environment by choosing brands focused on paw-some eating. The pet food industry is changing with new options like plant-based protein and insect-based protein. These choices are better for the environment compared to traditional meat diets.

Insects and plant-based options for pet food need less land, water, and food compared to animals. That’s a great choice for pet owners who want to be planet-friendly.

Beyond their eco-friendliness, alternative protein diets offer numerous health benefits for pets. Insects and vegetables have lots of vitamins and minerals that pets’ bodies can use easily. providing complete and balanced diet for our furry companions. These diets are particularly beneficial for pets with common protein allergies or sensitivities, offering premium nutrition without compromising on taste, quality or comfort.

Brands that make insect protein pet food include FirstMate Kasiks, GO!, Made Better, and Pulp Habits. Natural Balance and Petipet have created plant-based options. By picking these brands, pet parents can feed their pets well, help the environment, and support a better future for everyone.

Taking Action for a Greener Future

At Global Pet Foods, we dedicate ourselves to offering pet products that are friendly to the planet. We also aim to help pet owners adopt eco-friendly practices every day with your pets. Beyond choosing sustainable brands, pet parents can make a difference by adopting environmentally conscious habits in their everyday lives. Easy tasks like turning off lights when you leave a room, fixing leaks to save water, using water-saving appliances, and unplugging electronics when you’re not using them can help make the future more green.

Also, pet parents can make their carbon footprint smaller by cleaning up after our pets, using waste bags that break down naturally, and picking eco-friendly pet litter. When we can, using public transportation or carpooling instead of driving alone helps cut down on emissions and makes the environment cleaner.

By adopting these eco-friendly habits into our daily routines, pet parents can significantly reduce their environmental impact. At Global Pet Foods, we believe that collective efforts, both big and small, can lead to significant positive change. Join us in our mission to create a world where pets and the planet thrive, one sustainable action at a time. Together, we can make a lasting impact for future generations.

We celebrate the journey of sustainable pet parenting, where every choice counts towards a greener future. We’re dedicated to providing eco-friendly products and helping pet parents learn about them.

Our goal is to make sustainability easy and enjoyable for everyone. We’re building a community of pet lovers who care about making a difference. This includes supporting brands that give back and adopting eco-friendly habits in our everyday lives.

Join us in our mission to create a world where pets and the planet thrive! Let’s choose brands that care about the planet, speak up for what’s right, and inspire others to join us in making the world greener. Together, we can make a positive change and leave behind a legacy of love and care for our pets and the environment.

Preparing for a New Furry Friend

So, you’ve decided to expand your family with a furry addition – congratulations! Starting this journey is exciting and touching, but it also brings many responsibilities. From tail wags to potty incidents, adopting a new pet brings love, laughter, and a few surprises along the way.

Before getting a pet, it’s important to get ready – for both your new pet’s health and your own! A bit of preparation can help make things easier for you, other pets in the household, and your new pet. So, buckle up, grab your squeakiest toy, or entertaining cat wand, and let’s embark on this adventure together!

Understanding Your Pet’s Needs

Before you take the plunge into pet parenthood, it’s essential to do some detective work on your chosen furry friend. Every pet breed or species has its own unique set of needs, quirks, and predisposed conditions. By learning about their needs, you can make sure they fit into your life and that you’re ready to take care of them.

Whether you’re welcoming a playful pup or a wise old senior, understanding their age-related needs and potential health issues sets the stage for a happy and healthy life together.

Get ready to dish out some love! Their diet is key to their health and happiness. It is their fuel to thrive! Some pets do best on raw or fresh diets, while others prefer the convenience of kibble or wet food.

Be aware of potential food allergies and sensitivities that may come up – be on the look out for tummy troubles or dry itchy skin! For big breeds, keeping the calcium to phosphorus ratio 1:1 is important to keep their bones strong and avoid orthopedic issues. Our healthy pet care specialists are happy to help you find top-quality options to fit every family.

So, get ready to serve up a meal fit just for them – your furry friend will thank you with tail wags and purrs aplenty!

Finding the perfect veterinarian can be like discovering the holy grail of pet care! If you’re a raw food fan, or a holistic healer, or a traditional care giver, finding a vet who gets your furry values is key.

This will create the most consistent and positive experience for everyone involved in your pet’s healthcare team. Once you’ve found your and your pet’s perfect match, schedule that all-important first appointment. Your visit is the perfect time to talk about vaccinations, preventive care, spaying or neutering, and any health problems common to your pet’s breed. Being proactive about your pet’s health sets the stage for a lifetime of tail-wagging wellness!

Essential Supplies

EssentialsThings to Consider
Food & Water Bowls– Want to find the right bowls for your pet’s life stage, height, and age.
– Consider slow feeder bowls for eager eaters.
– Raised bowls can benefit taller or older friends.
– Stainless steel bowls are ideal for raw/fresh diets: more bacterial resistance.
– Want to ensure a constant supply of fresh water, water fountains can be helpful.
Toys & Stimulation– Keep boredom at bay with engaging toys and activities.
– Select toys that match your pet’s size, life stage, and chewing behavior.
– Include teething toys for puppies and kittens.
– Focus on both fun and mental/physical stimulation and enjoy the bonding time.
Grooming– Grooming needs can vary widely based on species, breed, and hair coat type.
– Equip yourself with the right tools: nail trimmers, combs, brushes suited to your pet’s coat, shampoos, and conditioners.
– Introduce grooming practices early but slow with lots of praise and treats.
– Regular grooming keeps your pet looking their best and lets you check for any strange signs or health problems.
– This is also an excellent chance to spend one on one time with them to truly bond.
Sleeping Space– Pick a sleeping spot that fits what your pet needs, like a crate, a raised bed for better airflow, or a soft bed for more comfort.
– Especially for older pets, consider a comfy bed or mat to protect them from the hard floor, as it can make them sore.
– Their own spot can be crucial for their well-being, allowing them to feel secure and comfortable in their environment
Leashes & Collars/Harnesses– Step out in style and safety with a durable leash and comfortable collar/harness.
– Choose the right collar or harness based on your pet’s pulling tendencies and your training preferences.
– Many leashes come in water-resistant materials or with two hooks for different uses, fitting your lifestyle better.
Identification– Identification can be a lifesaver: ensure your pet has a microchip and a clear ID tag.
– Keep your contact info up-to-date for added safety and peace of mind.

Creating a Safe Environment

Creating a safe environment for your new furry friend is essential for their well-being and your peace of mind when bringing them home. Prepare your home by pet proofing, securing toxic substances and small objects that could pose a choking hazard.

Consider installing baby gates to restrict access to certain areas and ensure all electrical cords are safely tucked away. Setting up a dedicated space for your pet to sleep, eat, and relax is crucial for their comfort and security. Choose a cozy corner or room, with minimal traffic, where they can retreat when they need some alone time.

When introducing your new pet to their home, take it slow and steady, especially when it comes to meeting other animals in the household. Consider quarantining them initially until they’ve been vaccinated and dewormed to prevent the spread of parasites or illness.

Start by introducing them to one room at a time, gradually expanding their territory as they become more comfortable. Offer plenty of positive reinforcement and patience during these interactions. Allow them to explore at their own pace and provide plenty of cuddles and reassurance along the way. By following these strategies, you’ll create a welcoming and stress-free environment, while ensuring the health and safety of all pets in the household.

Training & Socialization

Training and socialization are the building blocks of a well-behaved and happy pet! Start by establishing a consistent routine for feeding, potty breaks, and exercise, helping your furry friend feel secure and confident in their environment.

Early training sessions are key for teaching obedience and house manners, setting the stage for a harmonious household. But it’s not all work and no play – socialization is equally important! Give your pet chances to meet other animals and people, like in puppy classes, playdates, or park walks.

It’s a good idea to prioritize safety, especially if your pet isn’t fully vaccinated yet. With patience, positive reinforcement, and plenty of love, you’ll have a well-rounded companion who’s ready to take on the world!

Preparing for a new furry friend is an exciting journey filled with love, laughter, and a few essential must-haves. From researching your pet’s specific needs to creating a safe and welcoming environment, we know you’ve got this.

Remember the importance of routine, training, and socialization in fostering a happy and well-adjusted pet. Cherish the joy and fulfillment that comes with responsible pet ownership – the wagging tails, the playful purrs, and the unconditional love that brightens our days.

As you embark on this adventure, be patient and compassionate as your new pet adjusts to their forever home. With a little time, plenty of cuddles, and heaps of love, you’ll create a bond that lasts forever. Here’s to many sloppy kisses and endless memories with your new furry family member!

Common Illnesses in Senior Pets

As our furry companions gracefully age, they become more susceptible to a range of common illnesses that can impact their health and vitality. The golden years bring wisdom and charm, but also potential health challenges for our senior pets. Understanding and recognizing these common illnesses is crucial for pet parents to provide the best possible care, ensuring our aging companions enjoy a comfortable and happy life. Let’s dive in!


As pets enter their golden years, metabolic changes and decreased activity levels make them particularly susceptible to weight gain. Obesity in senior pets can lead to a myriad of health problems, including joint issues, diabetes, respiratory problems, and cardiovascular diseases. The added weight exacerbates conditions like arthritis, making movement painful and contributing to a sedentary lifestyle that further compounds the problem. This not only diminishes their overall quality of life but also increases the risk of chronic ailments, limiting their ability to enjoy their senior years with us to the fullest.

Diet plays a pivotal role, and our healthy pet care specialists may recommend a specialized senior pet food that addresses their nutritional requirements without excess calories. Smaller portions spread out multiple meals, coupled with regular exercise, can aid in weight loss, and improve overall mobility. It’s essential to monitor progress closely with regular body condition checks and adjust the treatment plan as needed. Additional interventions may be recommended such as medications or supplements to support weight loss and manage associated health issues.

Preventing senior pet obesity is key to ensuring  healthy and active sunset years for our furry friends. Losing the weight once already on is much more difficult than preventing the weight gain to begin with. Regular veterinary check-ups are essential to monitor weight and identify potential health concerns early on. Pet owners should focus on providing a balanced and age-appropriate diet, adjusting portions as needed to maintain a healthy weight. Incorporating regular, low-impact exercise into a senior pet’s routine, such as gentle walks and interactive play, can help prevent weight gain and promote joint health. By being proactive in both treatment and prevention, pet owners can contribute to a longer, happier, and healthier life for our senior companions.


As our beloved furry friends gracefully enter this period, they may encounter arthritis, a condition that causes pain and inflammation in the joints. It can be both managed and prevented with a little extra care but if left unaddressed, it can significantly alter their quality of life. You might notice your once sprightly companion taking a bit more time to rise from their cozy spot or showing a preference for leisurely strolls rather than high-energy play. Unfortunately, many symptoms of arthritis are mistaken as part of the “normal” aging process.

– Difficulty with stairs and getting on/off furniture
– No longer using their favourite perches
– Less active and sleeping more often
– Limping or lameness
– Loss of muscle mass in backend
– Trouble squatting for bathroom or more accidents in the house
– Increased irritability or sensitivity to touch

The diagnosis typically involves a comprehensive examination, where your pet’s joints are gently assessed, and blood work and X-rays may be recommended to rule out any underlying condition, such as bone cancer. X-rays are also used to assess the degree of degeneration. There is no cure for arthritis but there are treatments to slow the progression and ease the discomfort. Treatment options often include medications to ease pain such as non-steroidal anti-inflammatories and joint supplements like glucosamine, chondroitin, omega-3s, and much more to promote flexibility and mobility. In some cases, alternative therapies such as massages, physical therapy, hydrotherapy, and acupuncture has been shown to improve mobility and quality of life.

Preventing arthritis involves embracing the role of a proactive pet parent. Keep those tails wagging and kitty paws padding by maintaining an ideal weight through a well-balanced diet, as extra pounds can put unnecessary stress on joints. Including joint supplements before symptoms occur can help hold off any progression.  Regular exercise, even in the form of gentle play or short walks, is the key to keeping those joints limber. With a combination of love, attention, and a watchful eye, you can ensure your senior companion continues to age gracefully.

Diabetes Mellitus

While navigating the world of senior pet health, we often encounter the challenge of diabetes mellitus, a condition that affects our older furry friends much more frequently than their younger counterparts. Keep an eye out for an increase in water consumption and more frequent bathroom breaks—key signs that your pet might be dealing with diabetes. You may also notice cloudy eyes, especially in dogs, and reoccurring infections. If your once spry companion is suddenly less enthusiastic about playtime and seems to be losing weight despite a hearty appetite, it’s time for a trip to the vet’s office.

Diagnosis is made based on the clinical signs discussed and persistently high levels of glucose in the blood and urine. Fear not, for the treatment journey is paved with love and care. Managing diabetes in senior pets may involve a combination of insulin injections, a carefully tailored diet, and regular monitoring of their glucose levels. Their diet and feeding schedule is very important. Pet parents will want to feed them the same food, in the same amount, at the same time each day so our furry friends can achieve consistent insulin regulation. Prognosis is good, as long as we are committed to treatment and monitoring. If caught early, treatment may lead to remission, where they are no longer considered diabetic and do not require insulin therapy, though regular monitoring is still recommended.

Preventative MeasureTips/Reasoning
Maintain a healthy weight – Obesity is a well-known leading cause of diabetes
– Control portion sizes, treats, and access to human food
– Regular exercise
Healthy diet – Quality ingredients with high protein content and minimal carbohydrates
– Single ingredient high protein treats are best
Regular Vet Visits – To discuss their eating habits and identify any subtle changes
– Regular blood work/urinalysis to diagnose and treat early for best chance of remission

Kidney Disease

Embarking on the delightful journey of senior pet companionship may bring us face to face with kidney disease, a condition that demands a thoughtful approach to our aging friends’ well-being. The kidneys act as a filtration system, removing many waste products from their blood. Normally, these waste products are eliminated through the urine. When kidneys are not functioning to full capacity, due to damage, aging or other processes, waste products are no longer filtered and build up in the bloodstream.

Compensated Kidney FailureThe earliest signs:
– Increased thirst
– Increased urination
Advanced Kidney Failure – Loss of appetite and weight loss
– Lethargy
– Vomiting & Diarrhea
– Bad Breath

If you spot these signals, a visit to the veterinarian’s office becomes a necessary step towards understanding and addressing kidney concerns in our furry companions.

Blood tests and urinalysis take center stage, unveiling clues about our pet’s kidney function and overall health. The bloodwork will assess the levels of waste products such as blood urea nitrogen (BUN) and blood creatine (CREA) which indicate decreased kidney function. Also, high levels of SDMA (a naturally occurring indicator of kidney function) can help indicate the early stages of kidney disease before BUN and CREA levels will indicate an issue. The blood test will also show levels of substances like albumin, minerals like phosphorus and calcium, as well as white blood cells to help determine the best course of treatment.

Kidney Disease Treatment
Phase 1Phase 2
– High doses of intravenous fluids are given to flush out the kidneys and bloodstream.
– Helps mildly damaged kidney cells function again
– Helps replace various electrolytes, especially potassium
– The second phase of treatment is to help keep the kidneys functioning as long and as normal as possible by using one or more of the following:
– The Diet
– A Phosphate Binder
– Home Fluid Therapy
– Proteinuria Therapy

Preventing kidney disease can be a tricky task as there can be a variety of causes. Kidney disease can be inherited, and many responsible breeders have taken steps in preventing the chronic disease within their breeding program. Many acute cases are due to our little friends ingesting toxic substances such as antifreeze, grapes, pesticides, and some plants, so we need to do our best to prevent their access to these items. The infectious disease leptospirosis is also a culprit behind kidney disease and can be prevented through regular vaccination. The best prevention we can provide our pets is a healthy diet, appropriate exercise, and regular vet visits to keep them healthy and happy for as along as possible and catch any changes right away.

Hyperthyroidism & Hypothyroidism

On our senior journey with our pets, and especially our cats, we might encounter thyroid imbalances, where hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism play their quirky roles. Hyperthyroidism is increasingly common in senior cats and becomes a higher and higher risk as they get older. This is similar to its counterpart hypothyroidism, though not as common, and is seen mostly in senior dogs.

The overproduction of thyroid hormone and the subsequent increase in metabolism. Many organs are affected, especially the heart Most commonly seen in senior catsCondition caused by the inactivity of the thyroid gland leading to low levels of thyroid hormone and a low rate of metabolism. Affects many organ systems.
Restless, increased aggression, increased vocalization, weight loss despite ravenous appetite, high blood pressure The high blood pressure can lead to cardiomyopathy, retinol detachment and kidney disease.Weight gain without appetite, lethargy, cold intolerance, dry coat & increased shedding, increased ear & skin infections, high blood cholesterol, and slow heart rate. It can also cause abnormal functioning of the nerves causing lameness and lack of coordination.
Blood test performed to look for high levels of TT4.Blood test performed to look for low levels of TT4. Confirmed with low levels of T4 when a “Free T4 by ED” test is performed.

When it comes to hypothyroidism, there is no cure, but treatment with lifelong medication can help them live a normal happy life. Hyperthyroidism has a few treatment options. They do have the option of oral medication to restore the normal levels of thyroid hormone that requires regular blood tests to monitor for rare, but serious side effects. There is also the choice of treating our purrfect friends by feeding an iodine-limited diet to lower the levels, but must be the only food fed, including treats. In some cases, your veterinarian may be able to offer radioactive iodine therapy which destroys the abnormal thyroid tissue without endangering the other organs. With surgery, they may also be able to remove the affected thyroid gland(s) to treat the condition. In both of these cases, recurrence is rare.

As we wrap up this exploration of common illnesses in our senior pets, let’s remember that each sneeze, shuffle, or slower tail wag tells a unique tale of aging and resilience. Our furry friends may face their share of health hiccups as they gracefully enter their golden years, but with a sprinkle of love, a dash of veterinary care, and a pinch of preventive measures, we can ensure that their senior journey remains as charming and delightful as their youthful escapades. Understanding and embracing the quirks of our senior companions allows us to be the best partners in their journey through the whimsical landscape of aging. Here’s to more years of cuddles, joy, and health for our beloved senior pets!!!

Written By

Taylor Luther

Marketing Lead, Customer Engagement

Taylor completed a Bachelor’s Degree in Animal Biology at the University of Guelph and has built up experience within the pet nutrition industry and the animal medical field. She has a passion to share all insights on pet nutrition and health for all of our furry (feathery, scaly or otherwise) friends.

The Importance of Body Condition Scoring

In most cases, our furry family members are typically visiting the vet every 6-12 months. Of course, unless they get sick and need to visit more frequently. During the vet visit our pets will have a physical exam and the vet will determine their body condition score (BCS), but a lot can change in 6 months, and especially in 12 months. This is why it is important for us pet parents to know how to determine their body condition score at home.

Pet obesity is the number one nutritional disorder in pets, and it can be very easily managed and monitored. It is not the only concerning condition that BCS can help identify and monitor, but it is estimated that 56% of dogs and 63% of cats are overweight and may be struggling with the health implications that come with it. It is a big issue that we need to tackle. We all want our furry family members to be healthy, happy, and with us as long as possible. Unfortunately, a high body condition score puts them at higher risk of heart disease, diabetes, joint ailments, arthritis, high blood pressure, and surgical/anesthetic complications. BCS can help with better communication with our veterinarians and a better understanding of the risks in order to come up with a treatment plan together.

Typically, owners are focused more on the number on the scale, but measuring body condition can provide more detail on their health. Weight may stay the same while fat percentage increases and lean body mass decreases with age. We can monitor their body condition and health between visits and have the ability to warn our vet team so they can provide any treatment that may be needed. This early intervention may allow for better treatment options and may prevent a disease from occurring or at least worsening.

What is BCS?

We know that people come in all different shapes and sizes and the pet world has an even bigger variety of both, especially with canines. We needed a method that not only can be used accurately for cats and Chihuahuas but also Bulldogs and Great Danes. Despite this variety, we needed a consistent system used by all veterinarians. BCS is the standardized method of predicting a patient’s body fat percentage and assess if they are carrying a healthy amount. To develop and validate the method they used a machine called DEXA, Dual-Energy X-ray Absorptiometry. It uses low doses of radiation to assess the body condition, the proportion that is fat, lean tissue (organs, muscles, etc.) and bone. You may be thinking, “well why don’t we use DEXA machines to determine their condition?”. The machines are extremely expensive and are not available to most veterinary practices, which is why they came up with body condition scoring. BCS is not just opinion, it is a scientifically validated system, and is species specific. It relies on several visual cues as well as palpation of various regions of the body allowing the veterinarian to monitor their health, approximate their ideal body weight and make any recommendations they feel is needed in each individual case.

The System

Veterinarians may use one of two scoring systems, 1-5 or 1-9. The standard BCS is based on the 9-point system as it helps to identify the more subtle changes in condition. Now the scores are not just numbers, they represent a category of body condition and an approximate body fat percentage of our furry friends.

How to Assign a Body Condition Score

Assigning a body condition score involves both a visual assessment and physical touch component through palpation. You will want to visually examine your pet while they are standing facing forward. Having a helping hand to keep their attention and stance is a great idea if possible.

First, we will want to view them from above and we want to see that the waistline curves in between the ribcage and the hips in dogs. We may also see the last rib or two in our canines and that is okay. From above our cats, we want to see a slight inward curve at the waist, but not as defined as dogs. The cats are likely overweight if they have no inward curve or have an outward curve visible from above.

Next up, we will want to examine our furry friends shape from the side. In dogs, we want to see a defined abdominal tuck though the degree of tuck will be varied between breeds. A slight abdominal tuck will may still be visible in overweight or obese patients, but it is more likely to see an outward curve with them. Keep in mind, an abdominal tuck in cats may be a sign they are too thin.

Speaking of our purrfect friends, we want to do a visual and tactile assessment of the abdominal fat pad. There should be a minimal layer of fat, any more could be a sign they are overweight. Many cats who were previously overweight will have a pouch of loose skin.

The last visual aspect of body condition scoring are the bones beneath the skin. We will start with the ribcage. In dogs, being able to see the last 1-2 ribs is healthy and we may be able to see more if they are moving around, sniffing or have a short hair coat. If we are able to see the ribs of our beloved kitties, they are too thin. Now moving along to hip bones or pelvis, if they are visible our furry friend is most likely too thin at a score of 3/9 (2/5) or less. This is also the case if the spine is visible. If the pet has lost weight and possibly muscle mass, other bones may be evident without touch as well.


A very important component to body condition scoring is touch, called palpation, especially of the ribcage. Fat will typically accumulate over the top 3rd of the ribcage so this is where we will assess. We want to feel for the fat covering by placing our thumbs on their spine and spreading our fingers across their ribcage and working our way from head to tail. If our pet’s ribcage is easily palpable without applying pressure, they are most likely at a score between 3/9 and 5/9 (2/5 to 3/5). With an emaciated pet with a score of 1/5 or 1/9, they will have a ribcage that is not only easy to feel without pressure but also visible. Obese pets with a score of 5/5 or 9/9 would have a thick layer of fat covering the ribcage making it very difficult and, in some cases, impossible to feel the ribcage. Feeling the ribcage is less uncomfortable for our furry friends then feeling their hips and pelvis, and many may think we are just showing them some love with extra pets. For our arthritic friends, we will want to stick to just the ribcage as they may experience pain with any pressure on their back or hips.

Now, what does a healthy fat layer feel like? There is a great trick using just our hands to demonstrate the feeling. Let’s try it out! Our left hand will represent our furry friend’s ribcage, while our right hand is our hand palpating. First, we will hold our left-hand limp and with the right, feel the bones on the back of our left hand. This is what an ideal fat layer feels like. Now, make a fist with our left hand and feel the knuckles with our right hand. This is what very little fat covering feels like, our pet would be too thin. Lastly, let’s flip our hand over, palm facing up, holding it limp. If we feel our left palm with our right hand, we have to push harder to feel the bones. This represents the ribcage of an overweight pet.

What Do We Do Next?

Now that we know the two scoring systems and how to assess their condition both visually and through palpation, we can give our beloved pets a score. If our cats are at 5/9 or 3/5 and our dogs at 4-5/9 and 3/5 they are at a healthy body condition. Congratulations! From here we know we don’t need to make any changes to their exercise routine or their diet and feeding amount. If our assessment is indicating that our pets are above or below a healthy body condition score, there are a few things we can do but first it is best to discuss with your veterinarian. We will want to ensure there is no underlying condition causing the change in weight and condition before we start switching food amounts or changing their daily activity. Having this knowledge does not replace the need for physical exams, consultations, and diagnosis performed by our veterinarians, but helps monitor health and pass along any insights since our last visit. No matter their score, we suggest monitoring both body weight and body condition every 2-4 weeks and adjusting feeding amount as needed, with the guidance of your pet health team.

If after performing our assessment we are concerned about our pet’s condition, here are a few things to keep track of and document to bring to our next appointment or relay to the veterinarian and team.

Early Identification of Conditions

Body condition scoring and monitoring weight helps to identify health issues early to provide the best care and treatment that is needed to get them back to feeling their best! Many health conditions may be the underlying cause of our pet very quicky gaining or losing weight. Below we will go over both conditions that may cause them to lose weight and those that may make them gain weight. The more we know the better chance we will have to catch these conditions early before they have a big effect on our pets’ lives.

Conditions Causing Weight Loss

Conditions Causing Weight Gain

There are many reasons a pet may gain weight, but it is typically more of a gradual progression over time such as when we are simply feeding too many calories or not getting enough exercise. We are going to go over a few conditions that can cause of furry family members to lose a lot of weight and fast.

All of these conditions and diseases can be better diagnosed, treated, and managed with early intervention thanks to pet parents monitoring body condition score at home. If you have any questions about checking your furry friend’s body condition score, feel free to reach out to your local Global Pet Foods to speak with their healthy pet care specialists or your veterinarian’s office.

Written By

Taylor Luther

Marketing Lead, Customer Engagement

Taylor completed a Bachelor’s Degree in Animal Biology at the University of Guelph and has built up experience within the pet nutrition industry and the animal medical field. She has a passion to share all insights on pet nutrition and health for all of our furry (feathery, scaly or otherwise) friends.

Dangers of Feeding from the Table

We all love to share with our pets to show love and form that tight bond, at the same time we need to ensure we are not causing any harm with these special treats. It can be so hard to say no to those pleading puppy-dog and kitty eyes, but it may be the best answer for them to live a healthy and happy life with us. It can be confusing to all the different foods that are good or bad for them, so we have broken down three key factors to keep in mind with any type of food or treat and their common health effects. Sharing may not only lead to health problems so we will look into how they can affect behaviour as well. To wrap everything up we will touch on a few of the top toxic treats and safe alternatives for our furry loved ones.

Three Key Factors

Many pet parents may feel the table scraps they are feeding are not toxic to pets, so what is the problem? We need to keep in mind that just because it is not poisonous does not mean it is healthy for them. There are a lot of “safe” human foods that can have many adverse effects on our pets through considerable amounts of sugar, fat and/ or salt. Even feeding small amounts of our meals can go above their daily nutritional requirements, causing them to gain weight leading to poor overall health. Those at an optimal weight are less likely to suffer from joint, bone, and mobility issues. Pets that are overweight are at higher risk of developing many health conditions such as heart disease, breathing issues, and decreased liver function.

Dangers of High Fat Treats

Sharing our breakfast like bacon or letting them have a bite of your cheeseburger are seemingly innocent gifts that may lead to dangerous health conditions and possibly an emergency vet visit. A small piece of cheese for us does not make up that much of a daily fat requirement but for a 20-pound dog it is a lot for their little body. These small bites can lead to a lot of weight gain and overtime you will notice the negative effects on the body. The added burden on our pets’ bodies can be seen as joint pain, arthritis, heart disease and diabetes. Many human dishes are just too rich and fatty for a beloved pet(s) to properly digest leading to gastrointestinal issues. After a fatty treat you may see vomiting, diarrhea and this habit could lead to severe conditions like pancreatitis.

Pancreatitis is the inflammation of the pancreas. It can be life threatening and may be hard to identify as symptoms are similar to many other conditions. Some symptoms they may experience are lethargy, vomiting, diarrhea, fever, reduced appetite, and hunched posture. When the pancreas is functioning normally it works with the digestive tract by releasing digestive enzymes that only become active once they are present in the small intestine, where most of digestion occurs. If the pancreas is inflamed, the enzymes can be released and activated early, leading to the digestion of the pancreas and surrounding tissues. This is extremely painful for dogs and cats as this can significantly damage the pancreas and surrounding organs in the abdomen. Without intervention it can cause internal bleeding and even death. Pancreatitis can come about for a variety of reasons, but the leading cause is a high fat diet. This may be part of their daily meals or if they suddenly consumed a large amount of fatty food in table scraps or through the garbage. The condition requires veterinary treatment and long-term management as flare ups may now occur from even the slightest trigger. Management will include a complete diet change, and possibly a change in feeding frequency and amounts as well as some physical activity and extremely limited treat options. Like many health conditions, pancreatitis is much easier and less costly to prevent than to treat and manage. The pancreas is also responsible for the production of insulin, resulting in diabetic patients being at a higher risk of pancreatitis and those with pancreatitis are more likely to get diabetes as well.

Dangers of Too Much Sugar

Speaking of diabetes, providing a lot of sugar to our pets over an extended period of time can cause numerous health issues. Along with diabetes, your pet may experience gastrointestinal upset, obesity, metabolic changes and in severe cases it can also lead to pancreatitis. Even semi-regular consumption can cause varying weight gain, impacting various organ systems and metabolic processes. Sugar treats are also a top cause of tooth decay and gum disease because the harmful mouth bacteria thrive off sugars. We do not want there to be confusion. Naturally occurring sugars in fruits and vegetables are safe in moderation. They contain water and fibre that helps slow down the body’s absorption of fruit sugars like fructose preventing the dangerous spike in blood sugar levels. They also benefit from the various micronutrients found in fruits and vegetables. It is best to stay away from all forms of added sugar including products using artificial sweeteners like xylitol found in gum, candy, and some peanut butters. Xylitol is toxic to pets and can cause liver failure and seizures.

Just like humans, it is not completely certain why some pets have developed diabetes. Some pets are genetically prone but there is evidence that being overweight increases the risk of your pet developing diabetes. Excess sugar that is not needed for energy is stored as fat as the pet becomes overweight their cells become increasingly resistant to insulin, resulting in the condition. Symptoms to watch for include excessive thirst and urination, unexplained weight loss, change in appetite, sweet smelling breath, lethargy, UTIs, and loss of eyesight. There is no cure for diabetes, but it can be managed. This may include regular insulin shots up to twice a day, regular blood glucose testing, monitoring for changes and symptoms, and changing their diet. It is especially important for these pets to stick to a healthy low sugar diet. They also need lots of water to keep hydrated and flush the sugars sitting in the bladder. Saying no to human scraps, sugary treats, butter, oils, salt, and other seasoning is crucial. It is best to go for single ingredient, dehydrated treats if you want to offer them something special.

Dangers of Too Much Salt

Everyone loves a good, seasoned fry and the salty, crunchy bite of a potato chips including our four-legged friends. A rare treat may not hurt but too much salt can lead to health concerns just like too little salt. Salt helps to replenish their electrolytes, which are essential minerals that are vital to many functions in the body. This is why most pet foods are balanced to meet their daily salt requirements. Pets can exceed this limit by sharing treats like our fast food, seasoned meat, deli meat, and salty snacks leading to many health problems down the road. There are three main health concerns with excessive salt intake. Our first concern is dehydration since the high salt content in the blood stream causes water to rapidly drain from the cells to dilute the salt content in the blood. This severe dehydration will cause confusion, lethargy, and neurological effects due to brain swelling. Our pets can experience muscle cramps and joint pain causing them to lose balance and mobility. The flow of water leads us into our next health concern, high blood pressure. This can be especially hazardous if the pet also suffers from anemia. The influx of water to offset the salt puts a lot of pressure on the walls of the circulatory system. High blood pressure can have damaging effects on many internal organs such as the kidneys, heart, and brain. If the salt levels in the blood are extremely excessive, your pet may experience salt poisoning. This is caused by an extreme sodium imbalance; it is a severe condition and if left untreated can result in death. Treatment is not as straight forward as removing the salty culprit and providing more water. Rehydrating too quickly can actually exacerbate their symptoms and can even result in brain swelling and heart attacks. The signs to watch out for include, diarrhea, vomiting, swollen abdomen, excessive thirst, excessive urination, muscle tremors, incoordination, and seizures. If you suspect your pet may have salt poisoning it is best to seek veterinary assistance.

Effects on Behaviour

Another downside of sharing with our furry family members is the potential effects on their behaviour when food is around. This can start to form bad habits like begging, and we reinforce them by giving them a piece. They may start to think begging and mooching is acceptable and beg for food all the time and from everyone they see with food. Some pet parents are unknowingly reinforcing this unwanted behaviour by providing a piece of food just to get the pet to leave them alone, if only for a brief moment. A little drool in your lap as you eat your food may not be a big issue for you, but you may reconsider if it progresses. With some pets this might encourage them to steal food from young kids or skip the middleman and steal right from the plate. This not only introduces a danger to any children but for the dog as well, as somethings we are eating or might drop are toxic or a hazard to them. It can lead to food aggression with their own and human food making it difficult to remove if it is a danger to them and it can be incredibly challenging to correct this behavior. This can also result in very picky eaters. They may not want their food if they think they can get a slice of your pizza when they hold out long enough. Many of these issues are very frustrating and time consuming to correct and may take months of training and continued commitment to limit the unwanted and potentially dangerous behaviours.

Food Products to Avoid

Many human foods are unfortunately, toxic, or unsafe for our pets to consume and it can be hard to be aware of them all. We encourage pet parents to stop and consider if the treat your about to give is a safe and healthy option before we let them have it. The following table is here to help navigate a few human treats to avoid and the reasoning behind it.

Human Food/TreatHealth Risks
AlmondsNon-toxic but is not safe. Almonds can block the esophagus and tear tissues along the digestive tract with the sharp pieces. If salted, it is a higher concern due to side effects of excessive salt.
BreadNon-toxic but is unhealthy. Bread is remarkably high in sugar, preservatives and does not provide much nutritional value.
Chocolate & CaffeineToxic. Chocolate contains caffeine and theobromine which can not be properly metabolized by our pets. Affects their circulation, heart, and smooth muscle control, and can lead to diarrhea, vomiting, irregular heart function and seizures.
CinnamonNon-toxic (oil is toxic) but not safe. It can lower their blood sugar too much and lead to diarrhea, vomiting, irregular heart rate and liver disease. If inhaled it can cause coughing, choking and difficulty breathing.
Cooked BonesNon-toxic but extremely dangerous. Cooked bones are likely to splinter and cause punctures or tears in the digestive tract. It can also cause a blockage within the digestive tract.
Deli MeatNon – toxic but not safe. All lunch meats are extremely high in salt and fat and can lead to obesity along with heart disease, diabetes, and pancreatitis.
Fast Food/Processed FoodsMay be toxic; is not healthy. Can contain toxic ingredients like onions, toxic herbs, and unsafe spices. They also contain excessive amounts of fat, sugar and salt leading to many health conditions.
Grapes/RaisinsToxic as it contains tartaric acid. This acid causes vomiting, diarrhea, excessive thirst, kidney damage and even kidney failure.
Ice CreamNon – toxic but is unhealthy. Ice cream is extremely high in sugar leading to many health issues. Some pets are sensitive to dairy and could lead to vomiting and diarrhea. What is great is that they are so many pet-safe ice creams and alternatives to treat them with instead.
Macadamia NutsVery Toxic. Can induce signs of poison after ingesting only a couple nuts. Watch for signs of fever, vomiting and lethargy.
OnionsAll varieties are toxic, including chives due to disulfides. If our pets ingest a large amount, whether over time or all at once, they can damage their red blood cells, causing anemia.

Safe Alternatives

Not all human foods are bad. There are many healthy food options to treat our beloved pets without the harmful effects. With many things, it is all about moderation. Treats should only make up 10% of their daily diet and the rest should be balanced meals to ensure our pets are getting everything the need to thrive. We will go through a few examples below.

Human Food/TreatHealth Facts
CheeseSafe in moderation. Cheese is high in fat and should be given in small amounts. Some pets may have a sensitivity and experience gastrointestinal upset.
CoconutCoconut and coconut oil is a great option for a treat as it has many health benefits for the skin and coat. It is also good for bad breath.
EggsEggs are safe to eat in moderation. They are high in protein, fatty acids, and many vitamins. If feeding raw should only be given a few times a week as raw egg whites can cause a biotin deficiency. *Eggshells are an excellent source of calcium, and the shell membrane is a great joint supplement.
FishSafe and healthy treat. A fantastic source of omega-3s for skin & coat and to reduce inflammation. Remember to remove all bones that can cause GI tears, except for sardines which have very soft, digestible bones.
FruitsMany fruits and vegetables are safe for pets as long as they are seedless and have pits removed. Many fruits provide fibre, vitamins, and minerals. Berries are fantastic antioxidants.
Meat ProteinSafe in moderation. Offer them the meat they crave with many single protein options of breast, liver, and heart. Be careful in excessive treats as this can disrupt their balanced diet and lead to GI upset.
PeanutsSafe in moderation. An excellent source of protein. They are high in fat and can lead to pancreatitis if given too much too often. Stay away from salted or seasoned peanuts as it can lead to salt poisoning.
Peanut ButterSafe in moderation. Very crucial to read the ingredients and stay away from any containing salt and the toxic artificial sweetener, xylitol. Contains heart healthy fats, vitamins, and niacin.

For more safe treat suggestions please visit your local Global Pet Foods where our healthy pet care specialists are happy to help.

Written By

Taylor Luther

Marketing Lead, Customer Engagement

Taylor completed a Bachelor’s Degree in Animal Biology at the University of Guelph and has built up experience within the pet nutrition industry and the animal medical field. She has a passion to share all insights on pet nutrition and health for all of our furry (feathery, scaly or otherwise) friends.

Urinary Tract Health

The Urinary Tract

Before we dive into all the different types of urinary tract diseases and other health concerns, I want to make sure we break down the different components of the urinary tract and understand why it is so important that it stays healthy and able to perform its duties. The urinary tract consists of the kidneys, ureters, bladder, and urethra. The ureters are tubes that connects the kidneys to the bladder. The urethra is the tube that carries the urine from the bladder to outside the body. The urinary tract can be separated into two parts to better identify a concern or describe a diagnosis. The upper urinary tract includes the kidneys and ureters. The bladder and urethra make up the lower urinary tract. An issue affecting urinary health can occur at any point, but concerns are most commonly seen in the lower urinary tract.

Urinary tracts perform several important tasks and can have big effects on health when not functioning properly. One key role it plays is filtering the blood of waste products from bodily processes such as converting food to energy. It also helps to maintain the correct balance of water and electrolytes and helps process vitamin D. The urinary tract has a role in the production of hormones that maintain healthy blood pressure, blood cell production and ensures our bodies are absorbing salt correctly.

Common Urinary Tract Issues & Symptoms

We are going to go through the common urinary issues and a few that are not too frequently seen but can be quite serious. One of the most common urinary issues, also well known for humans, is the UTI. It stands for urinary tract infection, but it is used to describe infection of the lower region of the urinary tract, the bladder and urethra.

Another term you may frequently hear if your pet suffers with a urinary issue, is Lower Urinary Tract Disease. This is a general term to describe multiple health problems of both the bladder and urethra. This could include infection, sterile cystitis (inflammation without infection), and the presence or signs of crystal formation.

Specifically for cats, the term FLUTD is used, meaning Feline Lower Urinary Tract Disease. It is not a specific condition but a general term to cover a variety of lower urinary tract issues like infections, crystal & stones, and FIC (feline idiopathic cystitis/inflammation). FIC is a very common condition where there is inflammation of the bladder from an unknown cause. This can lead into secondary infections, but the infection is not what causes FIC.

A urinary issue that can go unnoticed for quite some time is bladder stones, though these can be very serious when left untreated. This is when crystals have formed into stones in the bladder. These stones can build up and are more likely to block the opening from the bladder to the urethra. Some stones may even travel down the urethra and get stuck at a narrower opening, completely blocking the flow of urine. This results in the bladder filling up which causes a lot of pain and discomfort for our pets. This is called an obstruction and is an emergency situation as urine cannot exit the body. Since the urine has no where to go it can back up to the kidneys, causing permanent damage or it can rupture the bladder and release toxins into the abdomen, causing the patient to become septic. This helps explain why prevention is so crucial; it can go from completely unnoticed to an emergency situation within a day or two that could possibly result in death. We will get to treatment and prevention information, but identifying the type of stones comes first. The two most common minerals that make up the stones are calcium oxalate and struvite. Now slightly less common but still a concern is ammonium urate crystals and stones.

Sadly, some urinary issues can be explained by bladder cancer, though this is not nearly as common as the above lower urinary tract issues. The most common type is transitional cell carcinoma. It typically develops in the trigone area of the bladder which is where the urine exits into the urethra, and it is very painful. Its placement is what causes the similar symptoms to UTIs and lower urinary tract disease.

The last lower urinary tract issue we will discuss is urinary incontinence. It is most often seen in females, but it can also occur in males as well. It is the leaking or spotting of urine, in large or small volumes and our beloved pets are unaware it is happening. It is the loss of control that can happen while they are asleep/relaxed and may also dribble while standing or walking.

It is very hard to diagnose specifically between these issues just based on symptoms as they share many of the same, apart from incontinence signs. This includes frequent urination, small urine volume, blood in urine, straining to urinate, fever, and urinating in inappropriate places. You may see your pet frequently licking their genital area, hiding, or you may notice subtle, unusual behavioural changes. It is very important to take your pet in to be seen to ensure the correct treatment plan is administered for this specific concern.

Upper Urinary Tract Disease such as infections are much less common but can be very serious and painful for our beloved pets. This is the infection of the kidney or ureters. Kidney issues are not as common and not as high up on the list of concerns for urinary health, but it is still important knowledge to know. This includes issues like kidney failure, kidney infections and kidney stones. If they are experiencing a kidney issue it may be confused with a Lower Urinary Tract Disease because they show the same initial signs. Those experiencing kidney issues, such as kidney failure, may also experience decreased appetite, urinating in large volumes, weight loss, vomiting and diarrhea.

Causes & Predispositions

For many pet owners, the big question is “why did this happen?” Some pet parents will have cats and/or dogs with no history of urinary issues and then they have one pet that experiences reoccurring urinary issues with no obvious explanation. There are many factors that can affect our beloved pets’ urinary tract health, and it may be more than one depending on their circumstances. Age, breed, activity level, stress, diet, drinking habits, injury and underlying conditions can all play a role in the development of urinary tract issues.

Urinary Tract Disease/ConcernPotential CausesThose at Increased Risk
Lower Urinary Tract Disease & Feline Lower Urinary Tract Diseaseo Genetics
o Cystitis (inflammation)
o Diet
o Dehydration
o Imbalance of bacteria
o Poor hygiene
o Stress (FIC)
o Sometimes unknown
o Age – our older pets have a decreased immune system performance and/or grooming issues due to mobility.
·  More likely for bacterial imbalance or inflammation to occur.
o Those suffering from underlying conditions such as kidney disease, hyperthyroidism, and immunocompromising disease
o Those with diabetes mellitus
·  Increased glucose in the urine making the perfect environment for bad bacteria to thrive.
o Poor body condition
·  Are not able to groom themselves thoroughly and may result in bacterial imbalance
UTIs (Urinary Tract Infections)o Abundance of bad bacteria
· From outside the body to urethra and bladder
· Most commonly E. coli
o Can occur secondary to another underlying urinary problem (crystals, stones, or cancers)
o Genetics
o Diet
o Dehydration
o Cystitis (inflammation)
o Poor Hygiene
o Stress 
o Females
· More likely to experience UTIs as the vulva and anus are so close in proximity.
o Pets experiencing gastrointestinal issues.
· More likely to experience diarrhea or loose stools, leading to increased chance of bacteria entering the urethra.
o Age – our older pets have a decreased immune system performance and/or grooming issues due to mobility.
· More likely for bacterial imbalance or inflammation to occur.
o Those suffering from bladder stones/crystals
· Irritation of the bladder and urethral lining can lead to UTIs.
o Those suffering from underlying conditions such as kidney disease, hyperthyroidism, and immunocompromising disease
o Those with diabetes mellitus
· Increased glucose in the urine making the perfect environment for bad bacteria to thrive.
o Poor body condition
· Are not able to groom themselves thoroughly and may result in bacterial imbalance.  
Urinary Incontinenceo Weak Sphincter muscle control (at the bladder exit to urethra) due to:
· Genetics
· Injury
· Cystitis (inflammation)
· Stress
· Cancer
· Hormone imbalance
· Sometimes unknown
o Age – Our older pets have decreased sphincter control.
o High anxiety pets
o Females – more likely to have/develop weak sphincter muscle control.
o Urinary Tract Issue History
· Damage from past urinary tract diseases/concerns
o Urine retention
· Holding urine from stress or fear
Calcium Oxalate Crystals/Stoneso Genetics
o Cystitis (inflammation)
o Diet
o Dehydration
o Imbalance of bacteria
o Poor hygiene
o Stress
o Sometimes unknown
o Age
· Our older pets have a decreased immune system performance.
· Increased levels of calcium in the blood and urine
o Those suffering from underlying conditions such as kidney disease, hyperthyroidism, and immunocompromising disease
o Those with diabetes mellitus
· Increased glucose in the urine
o Urinary Tract Issue History
· Damage from past urinary tract diseases/concerns
o Miniature Schnauzer, Bichon Frise, Lhasa Apsos, Yorkshire Terriers, and Shih Tzus are genetically predisposed.
Struvite Crystals/Stoneso Genetics
o Cystitis (inflammation)
o Diet
o Dehydration
o Imbalance of bacteria
o Poor hygiene
o Stress
o Sometimes unknown
o Age
· Our older pets have a decreased immune system performance.
· Increased risk of infection leads to struvite formation.
o Is the most common stone found in younger pets as well due to hygiene and immune performance.
o Those suffering from underlying conditions such as kidney disease, hyperthyroidism, and immunocompromising disease
o Those with diabetes mellitus
· Increased glucose in the urine
o Urinary Tract Issue History
· Struvite formation is commonly due to a UTI, bacteria produce urease (increases mineral concentration)
· Damage from past urinary tract diseases/concerns
o Miniature Poodles, Pekingese and Dachshunds are genetically predisposed.  
Ammonium Urate Crystals/Stoneso Genetics
o Cystitis (inflammation)
o Diet
o Dehydration
o Imbalance of bacteria
o Poor hygiene
o Stress
o Sometimes unknown
o Age
· Our older pets have a decreased immune system performance.
o Those suffering from underlying conditions such as kidney disease, hyperthyroidism, and immunocompromising disease
o Those with diabetes mellitus
· Increased glucose in the urine
o Urinary Tract Issue History
· Damage from past urinary tract diseases/concerns
o Yorkshire Terrier, Maltese, Pugs, and Miniature Schnauzers are more likely to have a congenital liver condition that increases ammonia in the blood, leading them to be more likely to experience ammonium urate stones.
o They may also be more predisposed if they have inherited a defect in uric acid metabolism, seen in English Bulldogs and Dalmatians.  
Obstructiono Build up of crystals and/or stones blocking the flow of urineo Those with a history of bladder stones and UTIs
o Male cats
· Urethra is long and narrower than females

How Do We Diagnose & Treat

As many of the symptoms and potential causes overlap across different urinary tract diseases and concerns, diagnostic testing is key to pinpoint the problem and offer the most effective treatment. The minimum diagnostics performed for urinary issues is a physical exam and urinalysis. A basic urinalysis checks for specific gravity (ability to concentrate urine), pH levels, presence of bacteria, blood, protein, inflammatory cells, crystals, glucose, and other indicators or urinary tract health and abnormalities.

Your veterinarian may also suggest further testing such as bloodwork, x-rays, or ultrasound to get a better idea of any underlying conditions or structural abnormalities that may be contributing to urinary tract symptoms and concerns. For UTI suspicions they may also recommend a urine culture and sensitivity. This helps to guide antibiotic usage to ensure the treatment is effective and decrease the chance of developing antibiotic resistance.

While waiting for diagnostic results, they may prescribe a pain medication and/or anti-inflammatory, as these conditions can be very painful and stressful for our pets. These help to provide relief and decrease the inflammation of the bladder to aid in healing and discomfort during urination. If your pet is prescribed antibiotics, it is crucial to give the entire course! Do not stop the medication because your fluffy friend is feeling better and back to their normal selves. The infection can return very easily if not taken care of properly and can lead to antibiotic resistance and tougher treatment route down the road.

Treatment for urinary incontinence may be a combination of a few medications as well. The treatment plan can consist of medications for sphincter tone, hormone replacements, and anti-anxiety medications. For severe cases, surgical intervention is sometimes a suitable option too.

If your pet is experiencing or suspected of experiencing an obstruction, confirming with an exam and possibly x-ray will be the first priority before jumping right into treatment. Obstructions will require sedation, flushing, and placement of a catheter to relieve the blockage and pressure on the bladder. This is followed by a few days of hospitalization as the stones shifting and blocking the flow again is possible. This is then followed by treatment to dissolve the stones. If the stones are too large to dissolve, surgical intervention to physically remove the bladder stones may be required.

Many of the urinary tract diseases will include a recheck exam or repeat urinalysis within the treatment plan. This may seem like your veterinarian is over doing it, but it is to ensure any infection, inflammation or signs of stones are truly gone or to ensure there are no negative/unexpected side effects occurring. Severe UTIs may require a longer course of medication. If the symptoms are not improving, your veterinarian may request an additional urinalysis or further testing to ensure there is no underlying condition that is causing the persistent infections. We do not want to leave any underlying condition untreated as the pet is bound to suffer from another secondary health condition.


Now you may be saying, “We have identified and treated the problem, but how do we stop it from happening again?” Now prevention is not guaranteed, as some causes are not fully understood, and some pets are prone due to their breed & genetics. About 50% of pets with bladder stones experience a reoccurrence within 2 years. With this said, many researchers have found preventative methods that can be used in combination to decrease the likelihood of a persistent urinary issue or developing a urinary issue to begin with. There are a few areas that we can implement changes to help boost urinary tract health. This includes their diet, hydration, grooming practices, bathroom practices, stress management, and supplements/medications.

Preventative MethodDetails
Dieto High moisture content
o High in protein, low in carbohydrates
· Quality ingredients help limit inflammation.
· High carbohydrate diet is linked with stone formation.
o Helps to prevent the formation of stones and flush out the crystals.
o Foods low in phosphorus  
Hydrationo Adequate water intake dilutes the minerals, toxins and irritants building up in the bladder.
· Flush crystals before they can form.
o Constant access to fresh, clean water
o Entice them with running water or flavour with bone broth.
o Cat water is a great option to help maintain the correct pH balance of the urinary tract.
· Minimizing stone formation and bacterial imbalance.
Grooming & Body Conditiono Maintaining a healthy weight helps to ensure proper grooming practices and a healthy skin & coat.
o Mats keep bacteria from urine and feces close to the urethral opening and leads to increased infections and possibly stone formation.
o Regular brushing and/or bathing can help reduce matting and debris accumulation.
o Pets who are overweight or suffer from arthritis are more likely to need assistance with grooming as they cannot reach the crucial areas.
Bathroomo Dogs may benefit from more frequent bathroom breaks.
o Provide an area to do their business that is a quiet and low traffic area.
o Cleaning litter boxes more frequently
· Helps to monitor any changes and catch the problem early.
o Have an adequate number of boxes/cats.  
Stress Managemento Stress can occur from anxiety over a recent change or addition in the house, boredom, or the inability to perform their natural tasks.
o Work on anxiety coping training methods or medications.
o Ensure cats have high places to relax in.
o Toys, scratching posts, safe space and playtime can help limit their stress levels.
o Feliway, Adaptil pheromone sprays and other calming products can help minimize stress when unavoidable circumstances occur
Supplements & Medicationso Your veterinarian may be able to prescribe calming medications to help ease their stress & anxiety levels.
o They may also be able to provide medication to keep the urethra more open to allow for better urine flow.
o Supplement antioxidants into their diet to support their natural defenses.
· They protect against free-radicals that damage the tissues and can cause chronic urinary issues.
· Free-radicals are produced as a product of inflammation, which occurs from irritants in the bladder.
· Cranberries, blueberries, kale
o Supplement anti-inflammatories into their diet to slow the effects of aging and boost the immune system.
· Reduces pain & discomfort caused by inflammation of the urinary tract.
· It blocks the production of prostaglandins which causes inflammation.
· Turmeric, omega 3s, spirulina

Prevention may seem like extra research, work, and cost, but it helps to avoid the pain & discomfort our pets will experience, making it all worth while. Not to mention it helps to avoid those big vet bills.

If you have any further questions on urinary health and what you can do to boost their health, please see our Healthy Pet Care Specialists that are happy to discuss tips and tricks to maintain a healthy urinary tract.

Flea and Tick Prevention

As the snow thaws and we start to see the grass it is also flea and tick season. While fleas can be around year long, we start to see more ticks once the temperatures are around 4°C. Ticks can typically be found in tall grass and wooded areas, whereas fleas are in shady, leafy, debris piles and underneath decks, but also inside homes in the carpet and under furniture.

When either insect bites it can lead to infection or the transmission of diseases. Fleas commonly cause tapeworm infections and skin conditions referred to as flea dermatitis. There are many tick-borne diseases such as Lyme disease, ehrlichiosis, anaplasmosis and more. These diseases and infections are zoonotic and can transfer to humans.

Prevention Methods & Treatment


When it comes to flea collars, make sure to read the package as some only kill fleas or adult fleas and ticks while others also kill flea eggs. The duration of effectiveness may vary between product as well, while some protect against fleas for 5 months and ticks for 4 months, some repel both for up to 7 months.

It can be kept on during a bath or swimming, but this may result in you having to replace it sooner. Never replace more often than 3 or 4 months, dependent on product. The collar must be applied tight enough to have skin contact or it may not be as effective.

Topical Treatments

Some topical treatments for pets only offer protection against fleas and/or flea eggs but not ticks, so keep that in mind if you need tick protection as well. These types of treatments usually last four weeks.

To apply, part the hair between the shoulder blades. This is safest as they are unable to lick off the product here. Then squeeze contents directly onto the skin. Topical treatments should be left to dry for at least 2 days before bathing or swimming. They should not be applied to already irritated, inflamed, or broken skin.

These topical treatments are based on the pets’ weight so also make sure you get the correct product for the current weight of your pet. These products are also available specifically for cat and dog, never give a cat a product meant for a dog and vice versa.

Be extra careful in multiple pet households. Pets may be able to lick the product off each other or transfer the product which may be a concern for overdosing. Some side effects that can be much worse with overdosing are anxiousness, itchiness, gastrointestinal upset, and irritation to the skin.


The benefit of the shampoo is that the fastest way to kill fleas and ticks is to expose them directly to a wet insecticide. The product is applied directly to the coat, massaging in to reach the skin to cover all areas the fleas or ticks would be. This will take care of adult fleas, flea eggs, and ticks for up to 4 weeks.

The products usually include soothing ingredients like oatmeal, coconut oil, lanolin, and aloe to help with the sensitive or dry skin that sometimes results. The shampoo should not be used on broken or already irritated skin. Treatment once a month is the general suggestion, but always read the labels and directions.


There are more natural products, like repellent sprays, that do not include the harsh chemicals or smells that may appear in some of the previous options. Many sprays use essential oils such as citronella and tea tree oil, which can be harmful for cats. Always check the label to ensure it is safe to use for both cats and dogs, if applicable.

Typically, these are not safe for pets under 12 weeks of age. This option is meant to provide protection without the skin irritation. Some repellant sprays protect against adult fleas, flea eggs and ticks while some only protect against one or the other. These range from needing application each time they can potentially be exposed, to needing application every 2 weeks.

Ultrasonic Repeller

Tickless is an excellent product for repelling fleas and ticks as well. It uses ultrasonic pulses that are imperceptible to humans and pets. The pulses disorient the parasites, which makes them stay away from your pet.

The device is designed for preventive purposes and does not remove ticks or fleas that are already present on an infected pet. They have done tests showing a 94% efficiency against ticks. Of course, effectiveness does depend on the condition of the animal’s coat and how heavily populated with ticks that area is.

It is odour free with no chemicals, so it is safe for all ages, sizes, and health conditions, as well as pregnant and nursing pets. Keeps pests away for at least 6 months after activation. It comes in two sizes and an assortment of colours for you to choose from.

The device is not waterproof, but moisture resistant. If the device gets wet, dry it off immediately to avoid any water damage. Due to its small size, it may be a choking hazard, always have it clipped to the collar or out of pets’ and children’s reach.

Diatomaceous Earth

Another more natural option is diatomaceous earth. It is an odourless, non-staining powder made from the sediment of fossilized algae. The microscopic sharp edges pierce the exoskeleton of the pests and dehydrates them; it also kills them by absorbing all the oils and fats within. It is very important to only use food grade instead of the filtered grade as this can be harmful.

To help with fleas and ticks, sprinkle liberally over pet’s body, focusing on problem areas like around the ears as well as the stomach and hind end. Work it through their coat to reach their skin. You can wash it off after 8 hours with a gentle shampoo and conditioner to rehydrate the skin and coat. The powder can be applied once a day for seven days in severe cases, repeat if needed.

They do not recommend giving to pets who already struggle with dry skin or respiratory issues. Always take care to not get in in the eyes or around mouth or nose. Can be harmful if ingested in substantial amounts as it can accumulate in the lungs. It is known to help with other external pests like ants, bed bugs, and cockroaches.

Is it necessary to treat the home and yard?

Since fleas and ticks can move around, they can fall off the effected animal onto the furniture or carpets infesting the house. The fleas you see on your pet are only 5% of what the total flea population would be in their environment.

Ninety-five percent of the fleas found in the home and yard are in the form of eggs, larvae, and pupae. This means that treating just the pet does not rid your home of the pests. To treat the home and yard there are a few options.

There is what is a “premise spray” which is only meant to be used in the environment, spraying beds, curtains, carpets etc., but never spray on the pet. It is designed to be used in conjunction with on-animal treatments.

Treatment kills fleas and ticks, providing typically 7 months of protection. If pest infestation persists, treatment may need to be repeated 2-3 weeks after initial treatment. Diatomaceous earth can also be used in the home and outside.

For inside, sprinkle all over floor, carpet, bedding, and furniture. After 3-4 days you can vacuum it up from all surfaces and mop or wipe them down. For outside, it is recommended to apply across the whole yard, though make sure to not do it on a day that it is raining, can be reapplied each month as needed.

How to safely remove a tick

The longer a tick is attached, the more likely it will transmit bacteria which may lead to infections and/or diseases. To contract Lyme disease, the tick must be attached for 1-2 days. You want to avoid tearing or squishing the tick as you may be spreading more bacteria into the bite area.

You want to spread the fur, grasp the tick as close to the skin as possible and gently pull straight upward in a slow motion. This prevents the tick’s mouth from remaining in the skin.

It is never recommended to use your fingers to remove a tick. You don’t want to risk squeezing more bacteria into the bite site. There are many products specially made for safe tick removal, otherwise a fine tipped pair of tweezers would be best.


E-tick and the Companion Animal Parasite Council (CAPC) stand as vital resources for pet parents, offering valuable insights and tools to safeguard their furry companions’ health. E-tick’s up-to-date information on tick species and their distribution aids in targeted tick bite prevention campaigns and population control measures, empowering pet owners with crucial knowledge to protect their pets from tick-borne diseases. (https://www.etick.ca/etickapp/en/ticks/public/map).

Meanwhile, CAPC, established in 2002, serves as a beacon of knowledge and advocacy, tirelessly working to raise awareness about the dangers parasites pose to pets and families alike. Through the distribution of accurate and timely information on diagnosis, treatment, prevention, and control of parasitic infections, CAPC equips both pet owners and veterinary professionals with the resources they need to ensure the well-being of their beloved animals. (https://capcvet.org/maps/#/2024/all-year/lyme-disease/dog/canada).

As a reminder, always make sure the product you are using is safe for your pet whether cat or dog, as well as their age and health. Ensure you are picking a product that protects against all the pests you are concerned about, as protection does vary. Most products are not safe for pregnant or nursing pets. If ever unsure, you can always ask our healthy pet care specialists in store for advice.

Why do our Pets Bring Joy?

With over 160 Global Pet Foods stores across Canada, we see firsthand as to just how much joy pets bring to our customers (and to us!).


From the way that people pick out the “right” bed for their dog, a new toy for the cat, or ask the common question of our Healthy Pet Care Specialists, “Is this the best food for my pet?”, we know that our customers want the best for their pets.  And we are more than happy to help because we want the best for your pets too.


We love to see the joy your pets bring you.  It’s one of the key reasons why we love what we do.

The bond between people and their pets is really unlike no other bond.  Yes, children bring their parents and extended family joy too.  But children grow up and, in most cases, lead independent lives, whereas our pets depend on us for their entire lifetime.  We are their sole providers and caregivers.


There’s no question of the tremendous pain that people go through when their pets are ill or have passed over the “Rainbow Bridge”.  It is the same pain akin to losing a spouse or a child.  For most people, they cannot imagine their lives without their pets.  Our pets bring joy to our lives.

But how? And why?

Our pets do not discriminate.  Our gender, race, appearance, wealth (or lack thereof), where we live, what we do, or how we dress means absolutely nothing to our pets.  They just love us – plain and simple – unconditionally.  Unconditional love is very difficult to find in humans.


Our pets are forgiving.  There is rarely a conflict among packs of animals.  They solve their problems and move on.  They don’t hold grudges or worry about what happened yesterday.  Yes, dogs and cats may have excellent memories, but veterinarian and animal behaviourist,

Alexandra Horowtiz states that the cerebral cortex in a dog’s brain, the part responsible for higher-order though functions and language, is not sufficiently developed to support human-like conceptual thinking.  The same anatomical feature which makes our dogs incapable of feeling guilt also allows them to forgive easily because they don’t have the framework of language to help them structure and retrieve memories in any detail.


Our pets teach us to live for today.  As humans, we wish for things that we don’t have, or spend time regretting what we have done or not done.  We spend a lot of time worrying, don’t we?  Our pets?  They live for today!  Every day is a new day and they simply live it and they love living it with us, whether it’s curled up beside us or sitting on our laps, or going for a walk.  What a great world it would be if we lived like our pets!

There isn’t a better feeling than when we come home and our pets are so excited to see us.  Our pets greet us every day as if we have been away for days or years.  It’s a great feeling, isn’t it?


Watching our fish tank at night relaxes us.  Petting our ferret, rabbit, hamster, lizard, puppy or dog, kitten or cat, calms us.

Our pets love us unconditionally.  And that brings us joy.